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New avocado plantings set Chilean industry back on track
Cabilfrut's Juan Pablo Cerda discusses moves to close an avocado supply gap left by Chile and Peru.
September 17 , 2013
Volume down and marketing up for Mexican avocados
Mexico's new marketing board, Avocados from Mexico, will be investing millions this year in winning over U.S. consumers.
September 17 , 2013
Philippine bananas hit U.S. shores
The Philippines laid its claim as the first Asian banana supplier to the U.S. mainland.
September 17 , 2013
Peru threatens WTO action over Chilean avocado requirements
Fruit trade tensions continue to heat up between Chile and Peru.
September 16 , 2013
NZ growers left uncertain over Resource Management Act reform
HortNZ fears for grower futures as Resource Management Act (RMA) reform gets kicked around like a "political football".
September 16 , 2013
U.S.: NASA plans space lettuce project in December
Lettuce production on the International Space Station may provide food and psychological relief to astronauts.
September 16 , 2013
U.S.: new strawberry variety tastier, hardier than Florida staple
A new University of Florida strawberry has shown favorable results in taste panel testing.
September 16 , 2013
South African citrus growers aim to improve China protocol
South African fruit industry representatives were made to feel very welcome during a recent visit with Chinese quarantine officials.
September 16 , 2013
Big year anticipated for U.S. apples
U.S. apple industry representatives discuss the potential impacts of larger crops from Washington, Michigan and New York.
September 13 , 2013
Report highlights export potential for Chilean strawberries, blackberries
Chile's strawberries and blackberries are on the resurgence in frozen form.
September 13 , 2013