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Costa Rica aims to cut fertilizer use

Costa Rica aims to lose its crown as the biggest emitter of nitrous oxide per hectare of agriculture in Central America.
September 10 , 2013

Malaysia: new facility to boost fruit import trade, claims Chop Tong Guan

A recent Asia Fruit Award winner discusses the key fruits that are making ground in the Malaysian market.
September 10 , 2013

Chile tests geothermal greenhouse

Chile's geothermal greenhouse could minimize temperature-related losses and lower energy costs.
September 10 , 2013

U.S.: Cornell researchers discover plant leaf 'fountain of youth'

Manipulation of plant gene S3H could mean fruits and veggies that stay fresh for much longer.
September 09 , 2013

Freshmax plans for structural changes

Produce marketer Freshmax has announced plans to step up company growth.
September 09 , 2013

Bayer CropScience announces major sales, investment goals

Bayer CropScience is planning a US$500 million herbicide plant, which is its biggest single construction project to date.
September 09 , 2013

Australian cherry production could rise in 2013-14

A USDA report forecasts jumps and falls in the production of different Australian stonefruit crops in 2013-14.
September 09 , 2013

South Africa: shack walls provide source of fresh produce

Designer Stephen Lamb asks how fresh produce can be provided to South Africa's poorest populations.
September 09 , 2013

International partnership to build new Malaysian coolstore facility

New Zealand's Seeka is teaming up with international and local players in Malaysia to improve cold chain infrastructure.
September 06 , 2013

"Impressive clip" avocado growth strengthens Calavo's Q3 results

Calavo Growers outstripped the sales growth rate for the U.S. avocado industry as a whole in the third quarter.
September 06 , 2013