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Agent system connects supply chain across South Africa

Maine Daniels of RSA Agents takes us through the Cape Town Market trading floor.
August 29 , 2013

Mexico needs better fruit shipping services, says Cocanmex

Mexico's Roger Gay discusses a need for better direct access to Europe and the prospects of better tasting irradiated mangoes.
August 29 , 2013

Peru to raise pecan nut production

Peruvian pecan growers aim to increase their cultivated area to capitalize on global opportunities.
August 29 , 2013

Japan cherry and peach growth prospects look "grim", says USDA

An aging population and a shift away from fresh fruit are affecting Japan's stonefruit market growth possibilities.
August 29 , 2013

Market Pulse Week 34 - 2013

Transport strikes led to decreased fruit sales activity in Colombia in week 34.
August 28 , 2013

Peru expects U.S. pepper market access

Despite recent rejections of contaminated paprika shipments, Peruvian growers are optimistic for U.S. fresh pepper market access.
August 28 , 2013

South African citrus waits in limbo on EU market

With five black spot interceptions, South African citrus exporters are wondering whether they'll be blocked from the EU.
August 28 , 2013

Thai govt claims Natural Fruit Company complied with labor laws

Finnwatch has questioned the methods of Thai government labor inspections that defended the Natural Fruit Company.
August 28 , 2013

Chile expects avocado production rise this season

Chile expects growth for its avocado harvest this year despite previous pessimism around frosts and low rainfall.
August 28 , 2013

Syngenta takes legal action against EU over insecticide ban

A neonicotinoid ban in Europe has prompted legal action from a leading Swiss crop protection company.
August 27 , 2013