Opinion: Brexit cowardice
Jim Prevor, editor-in-chief of Produce Business magazine, says that many supporters of Brexit have fallen into the trap of imagining a closed, sheltered society.
January 28 , 2019
Opinion: Now is the time for collaboration
Bev Oster of Oster & Associates argues that produce companies could benefit greatly by considering their relationships with suppliers and customers as partnerships.
January 07 , 2019
The Biocontrol Brief: An introduction to the world of natural enemies
This is the first in a new series of articles on biocontrol and Integrated Pest Management by UAV-IQ Precision Agriculture.
January 02 , 2019
The Packaging Pitch: Creating… and fighting for your brand
"Whether the issue is big or small, if you don’t fight for your brand, no one else will," says marketing expert Lisa Cork.
December 04 , 2018
The Packaging Pitch: Five ways Generation Voice will change how you think about brands
Lisa Cork says that fresh produce is late to the branding party, and explains that the new rules around voice-activated search will make creating a good brand name challenging.
November 01 , 2018
Opinion: How the perishables industry can reduce risks associated with slow steaming
Lawyer Rafael Guarda Martínez explains what the industry can do to reduce the potential risks of slower shipping speeds.
September 24 , 2018
Opinion: UC Davis study on impact of tariffs on U.S. producers
Jim Prevor asks: will the invisible hand of the global market alter trade flows and reduce the cost? And might the long-term impact surprise?
August 21 , 2018
The Packaging Pitch: The other half of the plate debate
"The good news for our industry is there is almost no debate about our ‘our half of the plate'."
August 01 , 2018
Opinion: Tesco, Carrefour alliance may not provide results in produce as predicted
Jim Prevor argues it is unlikely that consolidating buying will result in improvements in choice, quality and value for consumers
July 20 , 2018
Cross-border e-commerce: the future is here
In this opinion piece, Phil Teng of C.H. Robinson in Asia says that e-commerce has moved far beyond its origin as a disruptor of retail businesses to become mainstream.
July 16 , 2018