
Opinion: Perception of biotech foods boosted by consumer benefits

Consumers have not yet seen enough tangible benefits from biotech food to make the category popular, argues OSF's Neal Carter.
January 07 , 2015

Opinion: why everyone should be 'doing business naked'

Dawn Gray says produce companies need to embrace the idea that an educated customer is the best customer.
January 05 , 2015

Opinion: Why 'eco-credentials' will soon become a necessity

Plant & Food NZ's Dr. Brent Clothier discusses what growers can expect from better detailing their eco-footprint.
December 17 , 2014

Opinion: LA Times' Mexican investigation reveals blight on produce sector

It's time to reform the practices of 'tiendas de raya' on Mexican farms.
December 16 , 2014

Opinion: Melbourne wholesale apple price trends - what do they tell us?

Charley Xia explores how understanding historic price data could help growers improve returns.
December 15 , 2014

The Packaging Pitch: Cauliflower to take kale's food trend reign in 2015

Marketing expert Lisa Cork says a shift to low carb diets will make cauliflower a hot crop to watch in 2015.
December 04 , 2014

Opinion: U.S. farmers losing millions due to Canadian bankruptcies

Lawyer Tim Henkel says the USDA was justified in its actions regarding Canadian exporters and PACA.
November 25 , 2014

Q&A: What's in store for the 2014-15 Chilean blueberry deal?

Chile's Andres Armstrong believes Russia's produce ban could be more of a problem than an opportunity.
November 19 , 2014

Opinion: Juice traders, how do you sleep at night?

Finnwatch executive director Sonja Vartiala gives her account of the heated Natural Fruit trial against Andy Hall, revealing an unexpected twist in the story.
November 07 , 2014

Q&A: California attorneys "suing farmers as fast as they can"

With California's produce sector feeling the crunch, lobby group Western Growers is fighting for sensible decisions from state and federal governments.
November 04 , 2014