
Opinion: what's going on with Zespri?

Zespri's public response to its latest legal case is quite strange considering the amount of money in question.
June 06 , 2014

The Packaging Pitch: staring at the future of retail

Lisa Cork gives a detailed account of her exposure to the Chinese online grocery shopping experience.
June 03 , 2014

Opinion: Angelcot, a collaborative success story

Frieda’s Specialty Produce CEO Karen Caplan gives her take on a "heavenly" white apricot available for a short period.
May 14 , 2014

Opinion: seven-fold lemon price hike in Chile invites imports

Colin Fain looks out how just a small change in Chilean lemon production can have a dramatic effect on prices.
April 30 , 2014

Q&A: European Commission explains new Entry Price System for fruit & veg

The European Commission's Roger Waite explains a new import rule that has caused discontent in Morocco.
April 23 , 2014

The Packaging Pitch: the good and bad news about driving consumption

Lisa Cork questions how produce marketers are selling their product in light of a recent U.K. health study.
April 21 , 2014

Opinion: how to win the claim game

Jan van de Ven looks at how fruit traders can protect themselves in dealing with the 'subjective' concept of quality.
April 17 , 2014

Opinion: rough blueberry season reminds Chile of priorities

Chile's Andrés Armstrong reflects on the lessons to be learned from a difficult blueberry season.
April 08 , 2014

Opinion: artichokes, California’s pride

It's artichoke season in California and Karen Caplan of Frieda’s Specialty Produce is ready with some unique varieties.
April 04 , 2014

The Hass Horn: U.S. avocado supply outlook – second quarter 2014

Avocado expert Avi Crane explains the supply shortages ahead for the growing U.S. consumer market.
March 31 , 2014