
The Packaging Pitch: Farming’s eroding social license to operate

"Recently, I came across something I believe needs to be on every produce company’s strategic agenda. In talking with produce CEOs, only a few had heard of it, most had not."
October 07 , 2019

Opinion: Chile and Peru - Similar but different?

The two horticultural industries share a number of features in common, but the background to the development of their export sectors has been very different.
September 09 , 2019

Opinion: Foretelling the Mexican mango season wind down

"This time of year we are besieged with industry 'expert' misconceptions, misinformation and inaccurate interpretations of the facts," saysNissa Pierson of Crespo Organic Mangoes.
August 06 , 2019

The Packaging Pitch: Why the museum of ice cream isn’t about ice cream

Marketing expert Lisa Cork says that the fresh produce industry could garner some valuable insights from the unusual museum in San Francisco.
August 01 , 2019

Opinion: Poland and Turkey have much in common with horticulture

John Giles of Promar International says both Poland and Turkey have lots of good fruit, ambitious export plans, and well-informed management.
July 29 , 2019

Opinion: Produce and politics

When politics in produce goes beyond policy regarding food production and consumption, it's up to the industry to point out the long-term consequences, says Oster & Associates president Bev Oster.
June 19 , 2019

Opinion: Inaugural Global Grape Summit gathers the best and the brightest

Jim Prevor, the Perishable Pundit, provides his insights on some of the biggest issues confronting the modern table grape industry. These issues will be addressed at next week's Global Grape Summit, co-located with the London Produce Show and Conference. You should be in the room where it happens.
May 30 , 2019

Perishable Pundit: The words that can't be spoken

Jim Prevor asks: "Who is buying product not in compliance with leafy greens metrics and where are the industry leaders stepping up to solve this problem?"
April 11 , 2019

Opinion: Passion vs. efficiency

Nic Jooste of Rotterdam-based Cool Fresh International provides a European branding specialist’s observations in New York.
February 21 , 2019

Opinion: Trade show miscalculations can affect your business

Jim Prevor of Produce Business says there are myriad ways exhibiting at trade shows and industry events can lead to positive outcomes, but often not in a way the division paying for the booth will recognize.
February 14 , 2019