Joaquín Balarezo, general manager of Ecosac, estimates that Peruvian grape exports will reach a record of 80 million boxes, surpassing previous seasons.
The work of SENASA of Peru and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, achieved this innovation that opens a new option for the Peruvian industry other than shipping fruit in containers.
The Peruvian Table Grape Producers Association (Provid) projects record exports, estimating more than 78 million boxes of 8.2 kilos each, equivalent to approximately 640,000 MT.
The first ship, loaded with 4,000 pallets of table grapes -equivalent to almost 200 containers- left the port of Paracas bound for ports along the U.S. coast. spoke to Gabriel Amaro, president of the Association of Agricultural Producers of Peru (AGAP), who said that the situation is affecting shipments of some export products as well as the local market.
The General Manager of Exportadora Safco Perú speaks about his expectations for the 2024-2025 table grape campaign. Despite challenges in logistics and the lack of water in the north, strong production is expected, along with active demand in the United States and Europe, but a decline in the Chinese market.
The northern zone of Peru faced climatic challenges last season but is expected to recover significantly.
The table grape sector faces several challenges but also has many opportunities on the horizon.
The main players in the table grape industry of Chile and Peru met to analyze the challenges facing the sector in the coming years on the basis of collaborative work.
Renato Alves, Commercial Director of the Nova Aliança Agricultural Cooperative (COANA) in Brazil, attended the 2024 Global Grape Convention in Santiago, Chile, which brought together key players in the table grape industry from Chile, Peru, and other regions. Alves, who is also the president of Nova Forma Consultoria, spoke with about Brazil's table grape […]