The Peruvian Table Grape Producers Association (Provid) projects record exports, estimating more than 78 million boxes of 8.2 kilos each, equivalent to approximately 640,000 MT.
The first ship, loaded with 4,000 pallets of table grapes -equivalent to almost 200 containers- left the port of Paracas bound for ports along the U.S. coast.
The table grape sector faces several challenges but also has many opportunities on the horizon.
The main players in the table grape industry of Chile and Peru met to analyze the challenges facing the sector in the coming years on the basis of collaborative work.
The United States remained the top destination for Peruvian table grapes, followed by the Netherlands. A surprising shift occurred as Mexico emerged as the third-largest importer, surpassing China for the first time.
The Chilean table grape industry exported 64 million boxes, equivalent to 528,795 tons during the 2023-24 fiscal year.
In addition to the removal of the plants, a heavy economic penalty was imposed on the grower involved.
The Global Grape Convention will be held Thursday, August 8 at the Casino Monticello Events Center in Chile and is organized by Yentzen Group.
The Peruvian table grape industry had a difficult season last year because the northern regions had low productivity due to climatic issues.
Vanguard International Group Peru Sales and Procurement Executive, Fanny Robles, addressed the main trends, challenges, and opportunities for Peruvian grape exports in a recent seminar.