Optimistic headlines are being shared in in the Peruvian press because a comparison is being made with the previous season, in the same months and, due to the early harvest of the current season.
Piura will export below 20 million boxes this year, 10 million less than last season.
Provid’s General Manager Alejandro Cabrera tells FreshFruitPortal.com that the decrease is mostly due to weather phenomena.
FreshFruitPortal.com spoke with the general manager of Provid, Alejandro Cabrera, who says that, just like other crops, table grapes have been affected by weather conditions.
The U.S. received 47% of Peru’s overall shipments in 2022. It is expected to remain the top export destination for Peruvian grapes.
The U.S. is the largest destination market for both Chile and Peru, with shipments representing 49% and 46% of total exports for each country, respectively.
Data reveals that a staggering 16 million 18-pound boxes have been shipped thus far, denoting an impressive year-on-year increase of nearly 40% compared to the 11.5 million boxes exported in the previous season of 2021-22.
With an almost 40% increase year-on-year, the Sweet Globe variety surpassed the market staple Red Globe by over 2 million boxes.
“There were not enough spaces on ships to cover export capacity. Delays in the import of materials caused problems with costs and shortages, due to the increase in freight rates," said Agrokasa's Camila Borgesa.
Between May and June of this year, Peru exported over 5.5 million kilos of table grapes, recording a 66.5 percent increase compared to the 3.3 million kilos dispatched in the same months last year.