Between May and June of this year, Peru exported over 5.5 million kilos of table grapes, recording a 66.5 percent increase compared to the 3.3 million kilos dispatched in the same months last year.
In the 2021-22 table grape season, countries in the Southern Hemisphere achieved a new export record of 1.5 million tons, an increase of 0.3 million tons in a decade.
The General Manager of Peru's Table Grape Growers' Association, Alejandro Cabrera Cigarán said the industry would ship a minimum of 70 million boxes in the 2022-23 season, up from 64.8 million boxes in the previous season.
Peru’s Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism, Roberto Sánchez highlighted Peru’s excellent performance in table grape exports over the last couple of years and especially, in the first few months of this year.
The Southern Hemisphere Association for Fresh Fruit Exporters (SHAFFE) announced further expansion with the incorporation of the Peruvian Table Grape Producers Association (Provid Peru).
While the fruit condition was excellent, supply chain issues were at an all time high, and one third of it's harvest is still on the way to its destination.
An early exit from California table grapes, late arrivals from Chile and South Africa and good quality fruit led to a better than expected season for the Peru table grape season.
Peru’s table grape season is on its final stretch, and is set to finish higher than originally expected for the 2021-22 harvest.
The Grape Reporter spoke with a number of Peruvian exporters to get their insight into the upcoming campaign and assess the challenges it faces both abroad and at home.
The Peruvian table grape industry is forecast to export a record volume of fruit in the upcoming season, with the first estimate pegging shipments at 62.5 million boxes.