State of the market

State of the Market - Week 22, 2017
The lemon and Navel orange market in the U.S. was undersupplied and waiting on fruit from the Southern Hemisphere in week 22, leading to firm prices.
June 07 , 2017

State of the Market - Week 21, 2017
Protests in Colombia blocked imports and affected apple prices in the local market in week 21.
May 31 , 2017

State of the Market - Week 20, 2017
Receivers on the U.S. East Coast in week 20 reported there were signs that the Gala apple market would improve.
May 24 , 2017

State of the Market - Week 19, 2017
Low volumes of Californian lemons and Navels created good market conditions in the U.S. in week 19.
May 17 , 2017

State of the Market - Week 18, 2017
Peruvian fruit fetched low prices in the U.S. market in week 18, and there were some batches with color problems.
May 10 , 2017

State of the Market - Week 17, 2017
U.S. Navels fetched higher prices in the Chinese market than other exporting countries in week 17.
May 03 , 2017

State of the Market - Week 16, 2017
The export volume of Chilean green seedless table grapes to Europe up until week 15 was down 21% year-on-year.
April 26 , 2017

State of the Market - Week 15, 2017
Chilean Granny Smith apples fetched good prices in the U.S. market in week 15.
April 19 , 2017

State of the Market - Week 14, 2017
Opening prices for Chilean kiwifruit in the U.S. market were higher year-on-year in week 14.
April 12 , 2017

State of the Market - Week 13, 2017
The first shipments of Chilean Granny Smith apples of the season in the U.S. in week 13 fetched higher prices than in the last campaign.
April 05 , 2017