State of the market

State of the Market - Week 13, 2016
April 06 , 2016

State of the Market - Week 12, 2016
March 30 , 2016

State of the Market - Week 11, 2016
The first Chilean Granny Smith apple shipments for China took off in week 11.
March 23 , 2016

State of the Market - Week 10, 2016
Problems with Flame Seedless grapes put pressure on the U.S. market for all red seedless varieties in week 10.
March 16 , 2016

State of the Market - Week 9, 2016
Australian Thompson Seedless table grapes fetched higher prices than the South African and Chilean competition in Asia during week 9.
March 09 , 2016

State of the Market - Week 8, 2016
March 02 , 2016

State of the Market - Week 7, 2016
Australian red seedless grapes achieved better prices than the South African competition in Asia during week 7.
February 24 , 2016

State of the Market - Week 6, 2016
Poor weather conditions on the U.S. East Coast put pressure on the market for imported peaches, nectarines and plums.
February 17 , 2016

State of the Market - Week 5, 2016
An increase in supply brought greater dynamism to the U.S. plum market in week 5.
February 11 , 2016

State of the Market - Week 4, 2016
The U.S. market for imported stonefruit remained slow in week 4, while prices dropped in Brazil and Mexico due to rotting in some shipments.
February 03 , 2016