State of the market

State of the Market - Week 3, 2016
The cold weather in some European countries led to a general contraction in demand during week 3, particularly for nectarines and peaches.
January 27 , 2016

State of the Market - Week 2, 2016
Table grape exports fetched higher prices year-on-year in the U.S. during the second week of 2016.
January 20 , 2016

State of the Market - Week 1, 2016
Avocado sales usually drop after New Year celebrations in Europe, but this year they held firm in the EU and the U.S.
January 13 , 2016

State of the Market - Week 51, 2015
Prices of Chilean blueberries fell in the U.S. market in week 51, as a result of rising supply and some firmness issues.
December 23 , 2015

State of the Market - Week 50, 2015
The U.S. Hass avocado market is reported to be strengthening in the run-up to Christmas and New Year.
December 16 , 2015

State of the Market - Week 49, 2015
Responding to the greater supply, Hass avocado prices fell significantly in the U.S. during week 49.
December 10 , 2015

State of the Market - Week 48, 2015
The first Chilean grapes of the season arrived in the U.S. market in week 48.
December 03 , 2015

State of the Market - Week 47, 2015
Decofrut has forecast a fall in table grape shipments from Chile's Atacama region this season, but a rise from Coquimbo.
November 25 , 2015

State of the Market - Week 46, 2015
Chilean cherry shipments to the U.S. were down 90% year-on-year during week 45, but blueberry volumes were up on 2014 levels.
November 18 , 2015

State of the Market - Week 45, 2015
The first Chilean cherries of the season took off for the U.S. during week 45.
November 11 , 2015