State of the market

State of the Market - Week 23, 2015
Strong demand for clementines in the U.S. kept prices high in week 23.
June 10 , 2015

State of the Market - Week 22, 2015
The U.S. clementine market was reported to be undersupplied in week 22.
June 03 , 2015

State of the Market - Week 21, 2015
After a delayed harvest, the first shipments of Egyptian table grapes arrived in Europe in week 21.
May 27 , 2015

State of the Market - Week 20, 2015
Demand for grapes was increasing in South Korea due to the nearing of the Budda's Birthday in week 20.
May 20 , 2015

State of the Market - Week 19, 2015
Local lemon prices in the U.S. were on the up but Navels saw little change in week 19.
May 13 , 2015

State of the Market - Week 18, 2015
Prices for Chilean Royal Galas were higher than the South African competition in China during week 18.
May 06 , 2015

State of the Market - Week 17, 2015
Chilean Red Globe grapes performed well in the U.S., China and South Korea during week 17.
April 29 , 2015

State of the Market - Week 16, 2015
Preference for national apples in the U.S. became apparent as Chilean volumes increased in week 16.
April 22 , 2015

State of the Market - Week 15, 2015
Transport strikes led to a difficult market situation for apples and grapes in Colombia in week 15.
April 15 , 2015

State of the Market - Week 14, 2015
Chilean blueberries were losing prominence over local and Mexican supply in the U.S. in week 14.
April 08 , 2015