State of the market

State of the Market - Week 22, 2014
Indian grapes had better movement in Europe during week 22, while imported apples had a good sales pace in Asia.
June 04 , 2014

State of the Market - Week 21, 2014
The first placements of U.S. plums in Guangzhou for the season were reported in week 21.
May 28 , 2014

State of the Market - Week 20, 2014
The first U.S. and Spanish blueberries of the season hit Asian markets in week 20.
May 21 , 2014

State of the Market - Week 19, 2014
Australia and South Africa accounted for most seedless grape supply in South Korea last week, while citrus supplies were low in the U.S.
May 14 , 2014

State of the Market - Week 17, 2014
The U.S. East Coast received its last Chilean plum arrivals of the season during week 17.
April 30 , 2014

State of the Market - Week 16, 2014
Lower kiwifruit volume and higher prices for bi-colored apples characterized the week 16 produce market.
April 23 , 2014