Thomas Holt III, running sales and marketing at Holt Logistics Corp., told that the supply of table grapes arriving in the U.S. is significantly outpacing last season. spoke with the Director of Special Projects at Pandol Bros. Inc., who expressed concerns about this season's imported grapes and the effects of tariffs on costs and trade.
The latest reports indicate that while the market is moving, it is not keeping up with heavy arrivals.
This is located in the Atacama Region, one of the key areas for producing Chilean table grapes destined for the U.S. market under the Systems Approach protocol.
The 2025 Chilean table grape season began with optimism among growers, who highlighted the fruit's good quality, and the opportunity to export under the Systems Approach protocol to the U.S.
The first ship, loaded with 4,000 pallets of table grapes -equivalent to almost 200 containers- left the port of Paracas bound for ports along the U.S. coast.
The fruit exported by Subsole arrived at the Port of Philadelphia on the east coast of the United States on Wednesday 18.
Hearn dedicated nearly 26 years of service to the California table grape industry, playing a pivotal role in the growth of innovative retail programs in the U.S. and Canada, helping to move California grape volume season after season.
With harvest ongoing, the industry expects to harvest a crop of over 90 million boxes and to continue shipping through December.
According to the report, California’s table grape and peach production are expected to thrive this season.