Search Result: apple

South Africa: Hortgro 'concerned by irresponsible statements' about agriculture

Hortgro's Jacques Du Preez says impact of the drought is not only financial but also psychological, making the unfounded comments made in the media irresponsible.
January 22 , 2018

Portuguese and Spanish police seize cocaine in fresh pineapples

The seizure and arrests stem from an ongoing investigation that started in April last year.
January 19 , 2018

Belgium: Record sales for BelOrta

Results were positive for both sales and volume but not all crops fared so well.
January 19 , 2018

Costa Rica: Chiquita in labor dispute amid construction of new port

Chiquita had reportedly planned to lay off more than 100 workers in late December but the move was blocked by a legal challenge.
January 18 , 2018

Russia intercepts Polish apples en route to Moscow

The illegal fruit import consignment was destroyed on Jan. 16.
January 18 , 2018

Costa Rica: Flooding impacts banana, pineapple-growing areas

Strong winds and rains have been brought to much of the country's Caribbean coastal areas over recent days.
January 18 , 2018

U.S.: Georgia Ports upbeat over Chilean blueberry import clearance

Blueberries are the latest addition to an expanding portfolio at the Port of Savannah, which now includes imported mangoes, citrus, grapes, avocados, bananas, apples and pears.
January 17 , 2018

Modi apples land in India after new deal

CIV is confident of its future in Indian and Far Eastern markets despite the numerous challenges involved.
January 17 , 2018

Major European organic kiwifruit grower invests in laser labeling

On the back of customer feedback, Italy-based AgricolliBio is now set to expand the use of the technology into exotics and other products.
January 16 , 2018

Melons and mangoes led Brazilian fruit export growth in 2017

Last year's uptick makes ambitions to raise exports 50% over five years a conceivable goal for the world's third-largest fruit producer.
January 15 , 2018