Search Result: blueberry

Dynamic shift for Argentine blueberry exports in 2012-13

Argentina's blueberry industry expects a 'similar' export season to 2011 but with earlier timing.
September 19 , 2012

The task of making blueberry consumers 'come back in droves'

Fall Creek's Cort Brazelton outlines how Chile and Argentina can improve on their existing blueberry deals.
September 17 , 2012

Canada: British Columbia's blueberry season finishing in style

British Columbian blueberry farmers expect the season to close in early October with a 15% volume rise.
September 13 , 2012

Digital pilot study to aid blueberry productivity in Chilean central valley

Chilean researchers have designed a digital system to improve blueberry productivity.
September 12 , 2012

Early ripening for Argentine blueberry season

The first Argentine blueberry exports for the 2012-13 campaign are on their way to the U.K.
September 04 , 2012

Opinion: blueberries are the Peruvian export star

Federico Beltrán Molina takes an in-depth look at Peru's blueberry potential and competitive threats.
September 04 , 2012

Mexico’s berry boom gathers steam

Mexican berry growers are looking to new varieties and markets to turn a higher profit.
August 28 , 2012

Chilean organic blueberry study expected to yield nationwide benefits

Hortifrut's blueberry study is expected to reap rewards for all types of organic fruit production.
August 28 , 2012

Peruvian blueberry growers prove small is beautiful

Chilean José Francisco Unzueta talks about why Peru's blueberry industry is flourishing.
August 27 , 2012

Opinion: the awkward dance of the processed blueberry deal

Cort Brazelton maintains working in harmony could be a win-win situation for the processed blueberry sector.
July 30 , 2012