Search Result: russian ban

Medvedev proposes extension of Russian food import sanctions

The Russian government is preparing a draft decree of banned products as part of a retaliatory extension of the current embargo.
June 23 , 2015

Moldova resumes fruit exports to Russia

Russia has permitted the entry of several key fruit crops from Moldova, although the number of eligible companies remains limited.
June 17 , 2015

Russian PM promises "symmetrical" response if EU tightens sanctions

Despite the Russian economy having shrunk by 2% in the first quarter, the country's prime minister says the food import ban would only be lifted if the West drops its economic sanctions.
June 04 , 2015

Moldovan fruit farmers get US$12M boost from World Bank

Smallholder grape, apple and plum farmers in Moldova will benefit from grants that should compensate for half of last summer's lost profits.
June 01 , 2015

Russia considers relaxing import restrictions for certain countries

Greece is one of three European countries which could soon see some of its exporters able to ship to Russia once again.
May 20 , 2015

Russian food watchdog reveals update on fraudulent produce imports

Russian authorities have been blocking an average of more than 1,000MT per month of plant-based products coming through Belarus.
May 19 , 2015

Turkish citrus company declares bankruptcy with US$78M debt

The devaluation of the Russian ruble has hit a major Turkish citrus exporter hard, with debts owed to a large number of companies and workers.
May 18 , 2015

Russia could make notifications mandatory for re-exports through the EU

Russia's agricultural watchdog appears to be taking a more pragmatic approach to the issue of food re-exports via the EU.
May 13 , 2015

BanaBay slips into Russia after successful trial

BanaBay's Vitali Donskoi sees huge potential for the company's bananas in the Russian market.
May 11 , 2015

Russia clamps down on Serbian apple trade

Russian authorities have vowed to limit imports of Serbian apples in an attempt to stop the re-export trade of EU-grown fruit.
April 30 , 2015