Search Result: apple

Major British union attacks ETI in row over Fyffes

GMB officials claim the multinational is hiding behind the “ineffective” Ethical Trading Initiative.
February 01 , 2017

South Africa forecasts "tough" season for pome fruit returns

An industry body expects more demand from the pear canning sector this season, and less demand from Northern Hemisphere markets.
January 31 , 2017

"Significant bewilderment" for Mexican exporters over U.S. situation

While a weaker peso could help compensate some losses, growers are very worried about the trade relationship between both countries and will look for alternative markets where possible.
January 31 , 2017

Freshmax CEO denies group is for sale

Peter Ellis claims reports of a sale are just "speculation" but he can "never say never to anything".
January 30 , 2017

Russia intercepts, destroys 60MT of Polish apples

It's now almost 2.5 years since the Russian ban began and the gray trade through Belarus is clearly still in full force.
January 30 , 2017

EU-Canada FTA moves one step closer

Spain's FEPEX says Canada will eliminate all of its tariffs for EU fruit and vegetable imports once the deal comes into effect.
January 25 , 2017

Costa Rican pineapple industry to finally receive Chinese inspectors

They may have had to wait nearly a year and a half, but it looks as though Costa Rican pineapple exporters will soon be able to begin shipping their fruit to China.
January 25 , 2017

Chilean fresh fruit exports up in 2016

Chilean fresh fruit exports hit record levels last year at US$4.699 billion, according to statistics agency ODEPA.
January 24 , 2017

Global campaign calls on Fyffes to improve worker treatment

The U.K.'s Ethical Trading Intiative has set the the multinational a deadline to to "put in place a detailed and timebound improvement plan".
January 24 , 2017

Italy's Kiku gears up to roll out new apple varieties

Kiku is planting a range of varieties on blocks covering some 200 hectares near Venice.
January 23 , 2017