Search Result: apple

U.S.: Trump "worrisome" for Washington apple trade, says industry rep

Todd Fryhover says Trump could be a mixed bag of apples for the industry, with potential positive changes for labor and business streamlining but bleaker prospects for international trade.
November 18 , 2016

Interpoma a "must" for global apple industry players

Organizers are expecting the event next week will attract more visitors than the previous fair two years ago.
November 17 , 2016

Bulk apple programs boosted September sales in the U.S., says Stemilt

Using Nielsen data, Stemilt's Fruit Tracker program shows an increase in dollar sales for the category in September.
November 17 , 2016

New Zealand fruit crops unscathed by earthquake

Representatives of the country's apple, kiwifruit and avocado industries say growers appear to have escaped any damage.
November 16 , 2016

South Africa propagating cherry rootstocks to triple production

The head of the SA Cherry Growers' Association has described this current season as 'one to forget'.
November 15 , 2016

Could dried dragon fruit tap healthy snack trend?

Following successful trials to the U.S. last year, a Colombian company is launching its own brand for dried exotic fruit snacks.
November 14 , 2016

Local Kenyan assembly blocks Del Monte lease renewal

A Planning Committee chairman has said the company should set aside 1,000 acres for public use before renewal.
November 11 , 2016

Plum job for Serbian grower in the EU

A Serbian grower has made inroads in the Netherlands with plums he claims have a more "natural flavor" than a lot of the competition in the market.
November 10 , 2016

Andy Hall leaves Thailand after 'fearing for physical safety'

Andy Hall claims some companies in Thailand are vindictive, act like the Mafia, and cannot accept his research.
November 09 , 2016

Pioneering Nemo's Garden project ponders U.S. installation

Now with permission to operate year round, the researchers will be able to greatly amplify their experiments and grow crops under an array of different conditions.
November 09 , 2016