Search Result: apple

Finnwatch to stand by Andy Hall despite funding cuts

A Finnish NGO has pledged its support to a human rights activist facing criminal charges in Thailand over allegations he made against a pineapple processor.
August 18 , 2015

Brazil: Lower sales prices slice Renar results in H1

Brazilian apple grower-marketer Renar registered a loss for the first half of 2015 despite significant progress in cost reduction.
August 17 , 2015

Argentine fruit industry unhappy with Chilean apple imports

An Argentine pome fruit industry leader says it is "incomprehensible" that local importers are buying Chilean fruit while apples are rotting on trees at home.
August 17 , 2015

Half of Russia opposes decree to destroy illegal food imports

A recent poll shows Russian citizens have not taken kindly to a government decision to destroy foodstuffs intercepted in violation of the import embargo.
August 14 , 2015

NZ: Scales Corp upgrades profit forecast

The parent company of New Zealand's largest integrated apple grower-marketer may exceed previous profit expectations by up to 35% in 2015.
August 14 , 2015

Argentine apple and pear growers could leave 400,000MT of fruit to rot

A depreciation of the Brazilian currency and slow market conditions have hit to the core of Argentina's pome fruit industry.
August 13 , 2015

EU imports of tropical fruit surged in 2014

Freshfel's latest EU import fact sheet shows the old continent was wild about tropical and subtropical fruit in 2014.
August 13 , 2015

Australian growers warm to NZ-developed Reddy Robin pears

A pear marketed as 'Papple' in the U.K. has attracted the interest of Australian growers, but it goes by a different name Down Under.
August 11 , 2015

Scotland to ban all GM crop cultivation

The Scottish Government says it won't 'gamble' with the country's food and drink sector, but the national farmers' union believes the wrong decision has been made.
August 11 , 2015

Leading biotech firm to buy Oxitec for US$160M

U.S.-based Intrexon has announced it will acquire an innovative U.K. business that produces GM insects to reduce the spread of agricultural pests and disease.
August 10 , 2015