Search Result: apple

Polish apple exporters look to Indonesia

The Polish Ministry of Agriculture says it is 'counting on Indonesia's readiness' to be open to more food imports.
June 15 , 2015

Giumarra begins marketing New Zealand fruit crops

Giumarra says its high-Brix DIVA apple will be a 'star' in the category in the months ahead.
June 12 , 2015

U.S. apple orchard fined US$2.25M for hiring 'unauthorized' workers

The exclusive grower of the Opal variety in North America has urged the industry to help fix the 'dysfunctional and broken' immigration system following a hefty fine.
June 10 , 2015

Banana variety discovered in Oman shows pest resistance

A banana variety thought to only grow in Oman is reported to have a 'chemical cocktail' that acts as a natural beetle repellent.
June 05 , 2015

Spain: Drug-stuffed pineapples from Central America seized

Spanish police say 200kg of cocaine they found in pineapples had been concealed in a 'sophisticated' way.
June 02 , 2015

Opinion: Waging war on 'healthier' foods

Lisa Cork says it's interesting to see just how much sugar is prevalent in the average 'healthy' Western diet.
June 01 , 2015

Moldovan fruit farmers get US$12M boost from World Bank

Smallholder grape, apple and plum farmers in Moldova will benefit from grants that should compensate for half of last summer's lost profits.
June 01 , 2015

Chile: Customs worker union reaches agreement to end strike

After a threat of a 'solidarity' strike by Chile's Agriculture and Livestock Service union, customs operations will now return to normal.
May 29 , 2015

Opinion: Fruits and vegetables are becoming barbecues' main event

Frieda’s Specialty Produce's CEO Karen Caplan talks about what unconventional food can be grilled in the backyard this summer.
May 28 , 2015

High-tech Israeli sorting machine gets to know fruit inside out

Using near-infrared hyperspectral imaging (NIR), an Israeli technology is now used to check thousands of pieces apples or avocados at a time, with citrus fruit and mangoes in the pipeline.
May 27 , 2015