Search Result: apple

NZ: Scales Corp profits pip IPO forecast for 2014

The parent company of Mr Apple has exceeded expectations in its first annual result announcement to the NZX.
March 26 , 2015

Costa Rica: CANAPEP says eco-group "overstated" water pollution problems

A Costa Rican NGO has petitioned the IAHCR to help halt pineapple expansion in the Caribbean country.
March 26 , 2015

No risk of Russian ban on Serbian fruit, says ambassador

Serbia has reportedly established a new system of sending phytosanitary certificates to Russia in advance.
March 26 , 2015

Brazil's Argentine pome fruit ban "unjustified and hasty", says CAFI

A major Argentine industry body warns of "severe social consequences" if Brazil's pome fruit ban continues.
March 26 , 2015

Brazil halts Argentine pome fruit imports

Brazilian authorities say they detected the codling moth in 15 Argentine apple and pear shipments in the first quarter of 2015 alone.
March 25 , 2015

Anxious wait for Serbian apple exporters after Russian accusations

Serbian apple exporters depend heavily on the Russian market, with some believing re-export claims may be a 'mix up'.
March 25 , 2015

Chiquita exec payouts could exceed US$23M

A report to the SEC reveals the extent of Chiquita's completed and planned severance packages for leading executives, as well as hundreds of layoffs in Latin America.
March 24 , 2015

Russia mulls ban on Serbian fruit imports

Serbia will have to explain its sharp uptick in apple shipments to Russia if it is to avoid a ban on the trade.
March 24 , 2015

Russian authorities intercept another Polish apple shipment

Some 58MT of Polish apples have been blocked from entering Russia via Kazakhstan.
March 23 , 2015

European School Fruit Scheme safe for now with funding allocated

Germany, Italy and Austria are the biggest beneficiaries in the latest EU School Fruit Scheme budget.
March 20 , 2015