Search Result: apple

Early concerns ease for 2015 South African pome fruit deal

South Africa aims to ship its first apples to mainland China in March, as growers continue to seek new markets to support higher volumes in the pipeline.
February 16 , 2015

USDA gives green light to GM apples

Okanagan Specialty Fruits (OSF) is one step closer to getting its genetically modified, non-browning apples on the U.S. market.
February 15 , 2015

SanLucar pioneers new fruits in Tunisia, Ecuador

A Spanish firm focused on the German-speaking market is testing a range of new fruit projects in Africa, the Middle East, South America and its own backyard.
February 12 , 2015

Poland: Additional aid due for fruit and veg producers

The Polish government is planning to withdraw some 155,700MT of apples and pears from the market.
February 12 , 2015

Chinese opening brings great opportunities for U.S.-grown club varieties, says T&G

A Turners & Growers pipfruit executive discusses China's opening for U.S. apples and a challenging New Zealand deal.
February 11 , 2015

Chile: Fedefruta says U.S. West Coast port crisis puts shipments at risk

Chile's Fruit Producers Federation says the industry "must be alert" to delays in U.S. West Coast ports.
February 11 , 2015

Southern Hemisphere expects larger pome fruit crop

While Southern Hemisphere apple production is expected to increase 5%, exports are anticipated to decline by the same percentage partly due to oversupply issues in Europe.
February 10 , 2015

Polish industry takes steps to escape "industrial" fruit prices

Polish apple and mushroom exporters are forging ahead in new markets, rising above the price crash wrought by the Russian embargo.
February 10 , 2015

Serbia: Russian embargo "no good for anybody", says Apple World founder

One Serbian grower says he'd rather have a level playing field than the comparative benefits of Russian market access.
February 10 , 2015

NZ apple crop 'down 6% on 2014', says Pipfruit NZ

Although a cold spring hit New Zealand's apple volumes, the warm summer has boosted quality.
February 10 , 2015