Search Result: apple

Early organic Argentine pears soon to hit the water for U.S. market

Pacific Organic's Greg Holzman discusses upcoming pome fruit and mango deals, as well as the strong dollar's effect on produce trade flows.
January 14 , 2015

German and Russian ag ministers to meet in Berlin

Hopes are high that talks between German and Russian ministers will help ease trade restrictions on food products.
January 13 , 2015

EU bumped up Colombian fruit imports in 2014

Colombian growers were able to raise exports of a range of exotic fruit crops to the EU last year.
January 13 , 2015

Fuel price drop sparks reefer 'renaissance', says Cool Carriers

Baltic Reefers could not have chosen a more apt time to buy NYK Cool, which under a new name is steaming ahead with new produce trade contracts.
January 12 , 2015

U.S.: FirstFruits Marketing pledges support for youth-driven NGOs

The growers of Opal apples are doubling their contribution to youth-backed social causes in 2015.
January 09 , 2015

Peruvian govt program aims to raise GlobalG.A.P. certifications

Sierra Exportadora is helping Peruvian growers find new commercial opportunities for their fruit production.
January 07 , 2015

Opinion: Perception of biotech foods boosted by consumer benefits

Consumers have not yet seen enough tangible benefits from biotech food to make the category popular, argues OSF's Neal Carter.
January 07 , 2015

Argentine pundits forecast fruit sector slump from falling euro

Argentine fruit exporters suffering from the effects of a weak ruble are now faced with another currency challenge - the falling euro.
January 07 , 2015

U.K.: Ugly fruit & vegetable trials to test shoppers' bite at Asda

Britain's Asda has followed in the footsteps of French supermarket Intermarché with an ugly food initiative to sell 'deformed' produce.
January 06 , 2015

IG International aims to double Chilean cherry sales in India

IG International is confident about Chile's cherry potential and is also launching a new dragonfruit program.
January 06 , 2015