Search Result: grapes

South Korea opens doors to Peruvian grapes

Peru's rapidly-growing grape export industry will now have access to the South Korean market.
May 18 , 2011

Reduced rainfall favors Brazilian tomatoes, grapes

Low rain levels and temperatures in Brazil's state of Sao Paulo have kept farmers optimistic for tomato and grape harvests.
May 16 , 2011

Market Pulse week 18 — 2011

U.S. kiwifruit retail promotions stepped up a notch, while Taiwanese importers expressed concern over an influx of apples from NZ and Chile.
May 11 , 2011

Market Pulse week 18 — 2011

May 11 , 2011

Endosulfan and the Southern Hemisphere fruit industry

Endosulfan has been banned under the Stockholm Convention, but a full agricultural use phase-out will still take several years.
May 11 , 2011

Market Pulse week 17 — 2011

High U.S. apple production affected Southern Hemisphere exporters, while Asian markets were sensitive to quality.
May 04 , 2011

Market Pulse week 17 — 2011

May 04 , 2011

Australian grape industry welcomes Peruvian import prospect

Peru's plans to open counter-seasonal grape export negotiations with Australia have been well-received by local industry.
April 29 , 2011

Market Pulse week 16 — 2011

New Zealand kiwifruit arrivals were not yet registered in Japan, while the first imported Packham’s T pears were traded in the U.S.
April 27 , 2011

Market Pulse week 16 — 2011

April 27 , 2011