Search Result: grapes

SA grape exports fall slightly in week 8

South Africa's grape exports to Northern Europe were up 28.7% in week 8 on the same period last year, but Berg River region grape volumes were down by more than 10%.
March 07 , 2011

Market Pulse week 8 — 2011

The European avocado market remained stable with the first shipments expected from Peru and Kenya, while the U.S. recorded strong plum sales activity across both coasts.
March 02 , 2011

Market Pulse week 8 — 2011

March 02 , 2011

SA grape season end draws closer

South Africa's table grape shipments in week 7 were just 2.3% lower than the same period in 2010, with most packing now finished in the Oliphant's River region.
March 01 , 2011

Chile and Peru discuss agroexport common front

Chile and Peru's agricultural industry experts are looking to unite the two countries under a 'common front', in a bid to boost supply, invesment and international promotion.
March 01 , 2011

Market Pulse week 7 — 2011

Colombia's truck driver strikes pushed up prices for a wide variety of fruits, while grape retail promotion activities in the U.S. produced positive results.
February 23 , 2011

Market Pulse week 7 — 2011

February 22 , 2011

Chile rains dampen grape forecasts

Chile's grape production is still expected to grow this year but will not reach previous forecasts, as a result of abnormal rains earlier this month.
February 18 , 2011

South Africa grape shipments to northern Europe up 11.8%

South Africa boosted table grape shipments to northern Europe in week 5 as packing came to a close in some regions, leading to falls in exports elsewhere.
February 17 , 2011

Market Pulse week 6 — 2011

February 16 , 2011