Search Result: russian ban

Canada pledges to speed up Polish apple access

Canadian authorities have vowed to speed up market access for Polish apple growers, who like their own fishermen have been impacted by Russia's food import embargo.
August 25 , 2014

Russia eases ban on certain produce

In order to help its own farmers, Russia has scrapped some agricultural items from its import ban including onion and potato seeds.
August 21 , 2014

Australia sees greater apple competition after Russian ban

While Australian apples have counterseasonal advantages, a more competitive market demands high quality.
August 21 , 2014

Spain asks EU to add melons and watermelons to emergency measures

Spain says unless melons and watermelons are included in EU's special measures there will be 'serious disruptions'.
August 21 , 2014

Europe: Copa Cogeca welcomes emergency package but calls for more help

European farmer and cooperative organization Copa Cogeca believes more extraordinary measures are warranted to soften the blow from Russia's import ban.
August 20 , 2014

Russia intercepts produce imports from banned EU countries

Russia has prevented 11 cases of agricultural imports totaling more than 93MT via Belarus, including shipments from banned EU countries.
August 19 , 2014

EU slates €125M for emergency measures to prop up produce industry

The European Union will tap emergency funding to support growers affected by Russia's import ban, but not all crops will be included.
August 18 , 2014

ProEcuador sees new ground in Russia for broccoli and tropical fruit

Ecuador's broccoli growers hope to replicate their Japanese success in Russia now that key competitors are gone.
August 18 , 2014

Potatoes and grapes in the spotlight for India in Russia

IG International's Tarun Arora looks at the Indian crops to benefit from Russia's import ban, and how the move will affect European and Middle Eastern growers' orientations toward his country.
August 18 , 2014

Greek stonefruit farmers need new markets as soon as possible

The clock is ticking for 9,000MT of Greek stonefruit in cold storage with nowhere to go after the Russian embargo.
August 15 , 2014