Search Result: apple

Chilean strike effects extend to Central Valley growers

A further US$70 million worth of Chilean fruit exports could be compromised by strikes this week.
January 21 , 2014

Australia: Catch-22 for Tasmanian growers this season

While rain affected Tasmania's cherries, the wet weather has been positive for apple producers.
January 20 , 2014

California walnuts ride marketing momentum in India

California walnut exporters aim to ride a wave in India that has seen their compatriots' almonds and pistachios soar in popularity.
January 20 , 2014

Argentine pome fruit season off to 'normal' start

Argentina reported a smooth beginning for the start of its pear harvest.
January 17 , 2014

Multi-continental organic technology keeps fruit fresh for longer

A U.S.-Spanish-Chilean consortium has developed a clean technology that improves fruit shelf life.
January 16 , 2014

European Union takes stand on "apple a day" health claims

In the eyes of European law, a recent Oxford University health study is not enough for apple growers to spruik their record production to consumers.
January 15 , 2014

Chilean fresh fruit exports rise despite adversity

Between weather complications and export barriers, Chilean fresh fruit faced a tough year in 2013.
January 15 , 2014

U.K.: Marks & Spencer highlights "licorice" Dicolored pear

M&S takes us behind the scenes with a licorice-flavored pear from the Czech Republic grown in England.
January 13 , 2014

U.K. govt calls on consumers to buy local, ditch imports

A British government minister is set to give a speech rallying households to support local farmers.
January 07 , 2014

Indonesia to raise produce import quota volumes

The Indonesian government has more than doubled produce import quotas, but this is still half what volume once was.
January 07 , 2014