Search Result: apple

Market Pulse Week 27 - 2013

Local apples sold well in the United States, while reports for the fruit were strong in Europe in week 27.
July 10 , 2013

Market Pulse Week 27 - 2013

July 10 , 2013

More Australian fruit set for the Philippines

A wide range of Australia fruit has been given greater access to the Philippines.
July 10 , 2013

Costa Rica aims to expand tropical fruit portfolio in Chile

Costa Rica's PROCOMER aims to build on its pineapple success in Chile with a new fruit export.
July 09 , 2013

Market Pulse Week 26 - 2013

July 03 , 2013

Market Pulse Week 26 - 2013

The North American supply for apples and pears was coming to an end in week 26.
July 03 , 2013

Ecuador: fruit exporters brace for higher U.S. tariffs

Ecuadorian fruit exporters could face up to 14% in additional costs to send their products to the United States.
July 02 , 2013

Europe's School Fruit Scheme makes big impact on kids and families

Budget cuts are the order of the day in Europe, but Freshfel is upbeat about a possible rise in funds for the School Fruit Scheme.
July 02 , 2013

Salad bars in schools bring "empowerment" to U.S. kids

In the first of a two-part series on produce for kids, we track the Let's Move! Salad Bars 2 Schools campaign that has taken the U.S. by storm.
July 01 , 2013

Market Pulse Week 25 - 2013

June 26 , 2013