Search Result: apple

NZ apple exporters upbeat despite delays

NZ apple growers discuss a positive season thus far and export market dynamics.
May 09 , 2013

Market Pulse Week 18 - 2013

Colombian and Brazilian markets were strong for a wide variety of Southern Hemisphere produce in week 18.
May 08 , 2013

Market Pulse Week 18 - 2013

May 08 , 2013

U.S. authorities propose market access for Malaysian tropical fruits

APHIS has proposed treatment methods for the import of three different Malaysian tropical fruits into the U.S.
May 08 , 2013

Peruvian growers encouraged to invest in organic pineapples

Growing U.S. demand for pesticide-free pineapples could create market possibilities for Peru.
May 07 , 2013

Chilean industry weighs up avocado exports to China

Although Chilean avocados would face a tough market in China, an industry representative believes in the market's opportunities.
May 07 , 2013

Electronic nose separates apples from pears

Spanish and Swedish researchers have developed a nose highly sensitive to apples and pears.
May 06 , 2013

The Packaging Pitch: apple marketing in Thailand

Lisa Cork discusses the shortcomings of apple packaging and presentation in Bangkok.
May 06 , 2013

Indonesian restrictions lead to "one big mess of juice and grape flesh"

AHEA's Maxwell Summers discusses the impacts of Indonesian import quotas and the opening of a new Asian market for Australia.
May 06 , 2013

Smaller Dole points to volatility and debt reduction

Dole's first quarter results showed the impact of litigation in Europe, with a bearish outlook for the second quarter.
May 03 , 2013