Search Result: cassava

U.S.: Chiquita reaches deal with Quirch Foods

A Miami-based company has been licensed to sell a range of frozen Chiquita-branded produce items.
February 24 , 2014

Airport facility upgrade may raise Nigerian fruit export status

A Nigerian airport cold storage initiative could see increased fruit exports to Europe and the U.S.
February 21 , 2014

Mexico expects new Asian citrus markets in 2014

An impending South Korea lime deal is one of a raft of new market openings slated by the Mexican government.
January 07 , 2014

Year 2013 in Review - Second Half

It may surprise you to know what was the most read story on Fresh Fruit Portal in 2013.
December 31 , 2013

Year 2013 in Review

December 31 , 2013

Brazilian govt expects strong value rise for crops in 2013

Oranges, bananas and tomatoes are set to help support a strong rise in Brazilian crop income next year.
November 15 , 2013

Sierra Leone looks to become West Africa's ethical option

With a new marketing board, Sierra Leone hopes to set its agricultural exports apart in Europe and the U.S.
August 27 , 2013

Vacuum-packed bananas prove practical for Ecuadorian company

Bananas may have the perfect natural packaging, but an Ecuadorian business claims vacuum seals reduce waste and extend shelf life.
August 12 , 2013

Interactive tool maps out world of bananas, potatoes and cassava

RTBMaps allows scientists and researchers to interact with the world of roots, tubers and bananas.
July 19 , 2013

U.N. code focuses on safety of berries, cassava

New Codex Alimentarius standards seek to reduce food fraud and contamination for fresh fruits and vegetables.
July 09 , 2013