Search Result: apple

European pear genome sequenced in record time

Scientists have unlocked the genetic sequence of the European pear.
October 04 , 2012

U.S. govt urged to take time with Mexican suspension agreement

U.S. produce industry representatives have asked the government not to terminate a Mexican tomato trade agreement.
October 03 , 2012

Snow and frost hit Brazilian apple crop

Brazilian apple growers were expecting a great year until unusual frosts hit orchards this week.
September 28 , 2012

SA fruit industry launches U.K. ethical promo campaign

South African fruit growers will emphasize the ethical aspect of production in a bid to increase U.K. sales.
September 28 , 2012

U.S. apple exporters hope for Chinese import ban lift

U.S. apple growers are keen for China's import ban on Red and Golden Delicious to be resolved swiftly.
September 27 , 2012

U.S.: NZ apple variety takes off in Washington State

A New Zealand-developed apple grown in Washington is set to hit supermarket shelves this month.
September 26 , 2012

Trust and interaction key to street food success

Street food has an important role in Latin America and the fruit industry can benefit from this.
September 26 , 2012

Ecuador's pineapple industry confronts slippery snail predicament

The Ecuadorian pineapple industry is battling an unprecedented snail outbreak that has impacted exports.
September 25 , 2012

Colombia awakens to agricultural potential

Enrique Villegas talks about Colombia's potential to overcome its obstacles and export exotic fruit worldwide.
September 25 , 2012

Portuguese strike impacts 'very bad' for business, says fruit exporter

Containers full of pears are sitting and waiting in Portuguese ports due to strikes over austerity measures.
September 24 , 2012