Search Result: avocado

Mexico's exports rise as fruit flies fall

Policies to rid more than half of Mexico of fruit flies have bolstered mango and guava exporters, while Danish transport company Maersk opens new route to Europe.
January 27 , 2011

Mexico's avocado production down 6% in 2010

Preliminary figure of 1.1 million metric tons reflects bad weather early in the year
January 21 , 2011

Market Pulse week 51 -- 2010

January 20 , 2011

Peru's avocado exports increase 24% through November

More shipments to Europe, U.S. account for the rise
January 20 , 2011

Market Pulse week 2 -- 2011

January 19 , 2011

Michoacán gets best practices certification

Mexican state is main exporter of avocados
January 17 , 2011

Drought in Chile portends less avocado production

Estimates for main growing region drop from 220 million kilograms to 180 million kilograms
January 17 , 2011

Peru continues effort to end quarantine requirement for avocados in U.S.

Industry and health service hope to finish report to persuade USDA
January 14 , 2011

Market Pulse week 1 -- 2011

January 12 , 2011

Peru's agricultural exports reach US $3 billion through November, break record

Increase of 30.2% over the same period in 2009
January 11 , 2011