Search Result: apple

2011 top stories: second half

We profile the top stories of the second half and give an end of year message to our readership.
December 30 , 2011

2011 top stories: first half

At Fresh Fruit Portal we look back on the first half of the year that was in 2011.
December 29 , 2011

Pear oversupply in Europe poses SA export challenge

South Africa is expecting a good pome fruit crop but is looking for alternative markets to Europe for its pears.
December 28 , 2011

Brazil on track for historic quality apple crop

Brazil's apple industry suffered from hail and high exchange rates in 2011, but 2012 is looking brighter.
December 26 , 2011

Chilean fresh fruit exports up 7%

Chile registered strong fruit export growth in 2011 despite falls for apples, avocadoes and kiwifruit.
December 26 , 2011

Costa Rican pineapple export hike in 2011

Costa Rica's fresh pineapple exports rose 8% in 2011, along with a stronger industry focus on sustainability.
December 22 , 2011

Chilean cherry exporters could struggle with early Chinese New Year

Chile expects record cherry exports to China this season, but will earlier Chinese New Year celebrations hit prices?
December 20 , 2011

Costa Rica to boost migrant fruit picker intake

Costa Rica is recruiting immigrants to help with its fruit harvests.
December 19 , 2011

U.S. National Mango Board rallies support for global forum proposal

The National Mango Board's William Watson talks plans for improved export data and new market opportunities.
December 19 , 2011

Take part in our next International Special Edition

December 16 , 2011