Search Result: apple

SA: New cherry varieties deliver bumper crops

South Africa's cherry industry looks set to expand with the planting of a new range of cultivars suited to milder climates.
December 15 , 2011

SA set to ship citrus to Thailand next season

South Africa is hoping its colorful oranges and grapefruit will prove a hit in Thailand.
December 12 , 2011

Cherry growers in Argentine province have lost 50% of volumes

Volcanic ash has slashed cherry production in the Patagonian province of Neuquén.
December 09 , 2011

Costa Rica's pesticide use is too high, claim scientists

Scientists have said Costa Rica's use of active ingredient pesticides is the highest in the world.
December 06 , 2011

Heavy rains lead to record falls in Indian apple harvest

Indian apple volumes have plummeted, especially in hilly regions due to rainfall.
December 02 , 2011

Chile exporters visit Morroco on charm offensive

Chilean exporters are optimistic they can boost fruit imports to Morroco and tap into other north African markets.
November 28 , 2011

Russia to halve apple import duties next year

Russia is to drastically cut its import duties on apples and pears as a condition to joining the WTO next year.
November 25 , 2011

Chile's apple exporters should target Russia, says report

The Chilean apple industry has increased productivity but needs to raise awareness to tap growth markets.
November 21 , 2011

Michoacán leads Mexican cherimoya production

Michoacán currently has the highest output of Mexican chirimoyas, followed by Morelo and Hidalgo.
November 17 , 2011

NZ: Plant & Food Research and the fruit breeding ‘numbers game’

A New Zealand research organization looks set to continue making waves in hitting the right taste buds.
November 16 , 2011