Search Result: apple

Endosulfan and the Southern Hemisphere fruit industry

Endosulfan has been banned under the Stockholm Convention, but a full agricultural use phase-out will still take several years.
May 11 , 2011

Mexican growers to discuss fruit development law

Farmers from the Mexican state of Durango have met with officials to discuss a proposed State Fruit Development Act.
May 10 , 2011

Different varieties to open 'new chapter' for Chilean kiwifruit

Chile has ramped up its kiwifruit portfolio with three different varieties.
May 09 , 2011

Drought cuts Bolivian citrus production 25%

Drought has cut back Bolivia's citrus production this season while frosts had a negative impact on tomatoes.
May 06 , 2011

Mozambican pineapples approved for European export

International certification for Mozambican pineapple exports has been heralded as an 'historic moment' for development.
May 05 , 2011

Australian industry outraged over NZ apple draft approval

Pipfruit NZ has downgraded apple crop forecasts this season but has passed another hurdle in its bid to export to Australia.
May 05 , 2011

Dominican Republic HLB outbreak leaves 5000 unemployed

Citrus greening disease presents a serious threat to Dominican Republic growers, with 34,000 plants already destroyed.
May 04 , 2011

Market Pulse week 17 — 2011

High U.S. apple production affected Southern Hemisphere exporters, while Asian markets were sensitive to quality.
May 04 , 2011

Market Pulse week 17 — 2011

May 04 , 2011

Brazilian state expects 6.9% apple harvest fall

A major Brazilian apple-growing state expects a fall in harvests this year due to hail damage.
May 03 , 2011