Search Result: apple

More alligator weeds found in NZ's Bay of Plenty

A fast-spreading weed that can block drainage and irrigation systems has spread to a new area of New Zealand's apple and kiwifruit-producing Bay of Plenty region.
April 11 , 2011

Panama fruit exports fell in January

Panama's banana, watermelon and pineapple exports fell in January in comparison to the same period in 2010.
April 07 , 2011

Market Pulse week 13 — 2011

Peruvian and Kenyan Hass avocado volumes increased slightly in Europe, while the Northern Hemisphere supply maintained stable activity and price levels.
April 06 , 2011

Market Pulse week 13 — 2011

April 06 , 2011

Australia revises Asian Honey Bee eradication plans

European honey bee pollination is estimated to contribute US$1.76 billion to Australian crops annually, but the species is under threat from the Asian Honey Bee (AHB).
April 04 , 2011

Brazil could build cars with fruit extracts

Brazilian researchers have found extracts from bananas, pineapples and coconuts could replace steel in many car components.
April 01 , 2011

Market Pulse week 12 — 2011

Canada awaited its first arrivals of Chilean Summerkiwi in week 12, while Asian plum markets recovered as consumers geared up for Ancestors Day (Qingming) celebrations.
March 30 , 2011

Market Pulse week 12 — 2011

March 30 , 2011

Kenyan researchers develop new fruit seed varieties

High yielding bananas, fast maturing mangoes and plumper passion fruit are just some new fruit breeds the Kenyan Agricultural Research Institute (KARI) has developed.
March 30 , 2011

Saudi investment bound for Mexican agriculture

Mexico's Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food (SAGARPA) has announced Saudi Arabia wants to invest in the country's farming sector.
March 28 , 2011