Search Result: apple

South Africa forecasts later pome fruit season and slightly larger crop

Apple exports are expected to rise by 4 percent year-on-year to 38 million cartons, while pears are due to grow by 2 percent to 17 million cartons.
January 20 , 2021

VOG Consortium reports good start to apple season

VOG Consortium reports a positive start to the season with stable operations, increased availability, and positive feedback on fruit quality.
January 19 , 2021

Excellent outlook for Peruvian mango season pricing

As Peruvian mangoes enter the market, January and February are forecasted to have irregular high prices due to low supply.
January 15 , 2021

Oppy expands international reach with new team member in South Africa

Oppy, a fresh produce distribution and marketing company, has expanded its international team to South Africa by hiring Sila Louw.
January 13 , 2021

New Zealand cherry harvest "devastated" by rain

Although the full extent of the damage is yet to be quantified, it is expected that up to 50% of the season’s bumper cherry crop in the Central Otago region has been lost due to splitting.
January 11 , 2021

Highlights from the third quarter of 2020

As we prepare for 2021, invites you to check out some of the highlights from 2020!
December 30 , 2020

Envy apples well on way to becoming billion-dollar brand

The Envy apple brand had a record-breaking season this year, selling the entirety of the variety’s New Zealand crop before the end of the year.
December 22 , 2020

Apple developed to resist climate change receives "rave reviews"

The first commercialized climate-resistant apple from the Hot Climate Programme receives "rave reviews" in 2020.
December 21 , 2020

Del Monte gifts banana and pineapple scented wrapping paper

The North American produce marketer and distributor is giving away holiday-themed wrapping paper scented to resemble the company’s two most popular products.
December 18 , 2020

North American apple market faces uncertain months with lower supplies than expected

At the close of the 2020 harvest for North American apples, apple distributors and associations say that there is strong movement and high demand. However, trends and pricing in the upcoming months are uncertain.
December 16 , 2020