Search Result: blueberry

U.S.: California evaluates blueberry freeze damage

An industry representative says that the effects of the state-wide freeze would become clearer later this month.
March 07 , 2018

Poor Spanish weather hits vegetable production, delays berry harvests

A produce supplier explained that there would also be impacts on late citrus and early stonefruit varieties, but overall he did not expect the supply shortage to be as severe as last year.
March 05 , 2018

State of the Market - Week 8, 2018

Prices of red and black peaches fell in the U.S. market in week 8 due to greater available volumes.
February 28 , 2018

TOMRA acquires BBC Technologies

Following last year's acquisition of Compac, TOMRA is investing more into small fruits like blueberries.
February 27 , 2018

Fruit and nut exports rose across the board for South Africa in 2017

Avocados were the only major crop that didn't see an export uptick, while oranges and table grapes performed particularly well in overseas markets.
February 26 , 2018

U.S.: Wish Farms launches Misty Organics to bridge blueberry supply gap

The project began as an idea in 2014 and represents a joint-venture that includes three Wish Farms veterans.
February 23 , 2018

Camposol profits soared 65% in 2017

In its financial results today the Peruvian group also announced it had acquired land in Colombia to grow avocados.
February 22 , 2018

State of the Market - Week 7, 2018

The poor condition of Chilean Flame seedless is affecting sales of other origins and varietal groups, with sharp price declines in week 7.
February 21 , 2018

State of the Market - Week 6, 2018

Red seedless grape prices in the U.S. market are expected to continue to drop for a further two weeks.
February 14 , 2018

Blueberries could be beneficial to oral health, study shows

Researchers say that the beneficial properties of blueberry PACs should open the door for future clinical trials on the potential for gum disease prevention and/or treatment. 
February 13 , 2018