Search Result: apple

U.S.: Fresh produce sales fall from peak but remain high at end of March

Fresh fruit and vegetable sales in the U.S. saw a marked decline from their mid-March spike in the last week of the month, but they still remained higher than the same week last year.
April 08 , 2020

Strong first season for Bigbucks from South Africa

April 07 , 2020

Italy: Severe frost damages half of yellow kiwifruit production in central region

The weather event in Laziocomes one week after a similarly severe frost in the country's northern Emilia-Romagna region caused "enormous" damage to fruit production.
April 07 , 2020

Costa Rican pineapple export demand decreases 50%

With conflicting information from the government about debt, Costa Rica's pineapple producers are worried about thousands lost as export demand plummets.
April 06 , 2020

China's fruit farmers hurt by lockdown losses

China’s fruit farmers, hurt by lost crops from coronavirus lockdowns and a slow recovery in demand, are reportedly looking to reduce plantings, switch crops or even take other jobs to cover their losses.
April 03 , 2020

'Most of our biocontrol customers are conventional growers' - Chrissie Davis of Koppert Biological Systems

In a discussion about biocontrol in outdoor cropping systems, Chrissie Davis, of Koppert Biological Systems speaks reveals common misconceptions, the growing prospects of biocontrol for outdoor crops, and the potential return on investment.
March 26 , 2020

Argentina's fruit industry outlines supply chain challenges amid pandemic

Argentina's fruit industry explains challenges and the specific transportation, supply chain and sanitary measures it's taken alongside the government.
March 26 , 2020

Rainier Fruit moves toward formal EFI certification

March 24 , 2020

South African ag operations "will continue" despite lockdown, industry body assures

"It would be wrong to say it is ‘business as usual’ as we will need to change some of what we do – but operations must continue," said Justin Chadwick of Fruit South Africa.
March 24 , 2020

U.S. apple crop quality and size would be "greatly impacted" by H-2A restrictions

The U.S. State Department as of today has suspended processing new applications in Mexico for the critical guest worker visa program, which many produce companies depend on.
March 19 , 2020