Search Result: blueberry

U.S.: Equitable Food Initiative ‘not just another certification’

Early adopters have found the one-stop shop scheme isn’t just helping with compliance but also raising productivity through its leadership team approach at the production level.
November 11 , 2016

Rising Peruvian blueberry supply not a problem for Chile, says Hortifrut exec

A major Chile-based multinational is forecasting exports of more than 17,000MT and 5% annual growth in the coming years.
November 11 , 2016

State of the Market - Week 44, 2016

Rising supplies of Southern Hemisphere blueberries generated pressure on U.S. market prices in week 44.
November 09 , 2016

Chile: Port Coronel to boost reefer capacity through new alliance

With Chilean fruit production expanding further south in the country, a major port is ramping up its cold storage and reefer capacity.
November 09 , 2016

State of the Market - Week 43, 2016

The opening prices of Chilean cherries in the Chinese market registered in week 43 were even higher than last season.
November 04 , 2016

Peru gains Chinese blueberry market access

An industry leader expects the fruit will arrive in time for Chinese New Year celebrations, after undergoing cold treatment in transit to ward off fruit fly risks.
November 03 , 2016

Argentina slashed airfreight blueberry export volume this week

Of the 14 charter flights planned this week only three actually took off, reflecting a challenging market situation with low prices.
October 28 , 2016

Peru: Camposol profits surge 72% in Q3

A tripling of blueberry volume and a jump in avocado prices helped bring Camposol a record result for the period.
October 26 , 2016

State of the Market - Week 42, 2016

The supply of South American blueberries in the U.S. market in week 42 was 50% higher year-on-year.
October 26 , 2016

Colombian blueberry production set for expansion

With Argentina soon to receive protocols to ship plants to Colombia, one company believes the small industry is about to undergo major development.
October 25 , 2016