Market Pulse week 4 — 2011
Market situation in the Northern Hemisphere, week 4 — 2011
In Europe, there have been active sales of the Italian and French Gala apples, while other varieties have shown stable sales rates and prices. In North America, they have maintained healthy sales in the U.S. In Mexico there has been a variation in prices for Gala and Golden Delicious varieties, while Red Delicious apple prices remain stable. In Latin America, the market is unchanged as Brazil and Colombia are in the transition stage toward the 2011 season. In Asia, there has been high demand for Red Delicious apples from the U.S. in Hong Kong and China, while in Taiwan, the supply of Fuji apples has led to price stability.
In North America, the Chilean apricot season has finished for the U.S. market, with the last registered arrivals during the week and slight price rises.
In North America, moderate sales activity has been observed and there have been price adjustments in the U.S. In Mexico there has been a slight price rise due to healthy sales pace. In Europe and the U.K. there has been a dominance of Spanish and Israeli Hass avocados, reporting stable sales rates and prices. In Latin America, price rises have been registered for Chilean supply in Argentina. Chile’s internal market remains strong but with low volumes of Hass, which are concentrated in small sizes.
In North America, prices remain stable on the U.S. east coast while the west coast has registered price adjustments. In Canada, a lower Chilean supply has allowed for price stability. In Europe, active blueberry sales have been observed on the continent and in the U.K., while there expected to be a slight increase in arrivals in the coming days. In Asia, Hong Kong has shown an upward trend in wholesale prices for Chilean blueberries, while in Japan the local strawberry season has generated lower demand for imported berries.
In North America, there has been a moderate sales pace and stable prices in the U.S. In Europe and the U.K., there has been a larger proportion of fruits in problematic condition, as the Chilean cherry season comes to a close. In Asia there have been high volumes of sales for Southern Hemisphere cherries.
In North America, there has been a price adjustment for peaches in the U.S., while there have not been variations for nectarines. In Mexico, market activity for nectarines remains active while peaches have had moderate sales. In Europe, Chile and Argentina boosted their participation in nectarine and peach markets, but there has been a dip in activity both on the continent and in the U.K. In Latin America, the Brazilian market increased supply, especially with nectarines, which pushed down the market. In Colombia the arrival of Chilean supply adjusted prices. In Asia, lower Australian nectarine supply led to higher prices in Hong Kong and China as the first batch arrived from Chile.
In Europe and Russia, the first arrivals of the Bon Chretien have been registered but with limited volumes. In North America the first lots of Chilean Bartlett pears have arrived in the U.S., while the first lots of Argentinean Williams pears will arrive next week. In Mexico, imported D’Anjou pears have kept prices stable and have had active sales. In Latin America, the 2011 pear season is off to a slow start. Supply volumes in this period are low, so fruit saved from 2010 could be supplied.
In Europe, there have been good sales rates for Chilean Black Ambar plums, while South African plums continue with stable sales but reporting slight price falls. In North America, the market has maintained healthy activity in the U.S. while in Mexico consumption has been moderate. In Latin America, increased supply has pushed down prices, mainly in the Colombian market. In Asia, Hong Kong and China have reported a lower availability of plums from the Southern Hemisphere, registering high price for Australian ‘Sugar Plums’. Chile and South Africa have complemented the market but with limited volumes.
Table Grapes
In Europe and the U.K., table grape arrivals from South Africa and Argentina increased but a dip in arrivals is expected in the coming days. In North America, an increase in Chilean supply to the U.S. generated price adjustments for all varieties. In Mexico, the supply of Red Globe grapes remains limited, while in Canada the market has maintained healthy sales. In Asia there has been high sales pace for Californian and Southern Hemisphere grapes. In China and Hong Kong prices rose, with the exception of South African white grapes. In Latin America, there was an increase of grape arrivals in Brazil from Argentina, which led to minor price adjustments, while in Colombia prices have remained stable for the last lots of Peruvian Red Globes, despite limited supply.
Source: iQonsulting/