Market Pulse Week 40 - 2012
Market situation in the Northern Hemisphere, week 40 - 2012 (Oct. 5)
In North America, Mexican avocados achieved moderate sales and experienced a slight price adjustment.
In Latin America, Chile recovered its sales pace.
In Europe, Peruvian fruit recorded price drops in France. South Africa and Kenya finished their season with Chile achieving high prices for its first shipments. In the U.K., South Africa generated stable sales for the last of its exports.
In North America, good volumes of Argentine blueberries supplied the U.S. while local supply from Washington and Oregon states decreased.
In Latin America, local supply generated active sales in Mexico.
In Europe, Argentine batches arrived in the Netherlands in poor condition. In the U.K., adequate domestic fruit allowed a smooth transition to Argentine and South African supply, which experienced fast sales.
Easy Peelers
In North America, Chilean Murcotts were in low supply and achieved price rises in the U.S.
In Europe, Peru’s end of the season Minneolas arrived in the Netherlands with Argentine supply to Russia showing some condition problems and price decreases.
In North America, U.S. domestic fruit continued to supply the market with fast sales for Crimson Seedless on both coasts.
In Latin America, new Californian varieties attracted market attention achieving moderate sales.
In Europe, there were price adjustments for the last batches from Argentina and South Africa with Turkish shipments closing Southern Hemisphere supply.
In North America, Chilean supply achieved faster sales in the U.S.
In Europe, South African fruit achieved better sales than Chilean oranges in France.
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