Market Pulse Week 41 - 2013
Market situation in the Northern Hemisphere, week 41 – 2013 (October 11)
In North America, the U.S. registered a stable and well stocked market for Mexican supply.
In Europe, an increase in Chilean arrivals put slight pressure on markets in the U.K. and the continent due to the accumulation of fruit arriving on the market after the South American country's Sep. 18 celebrations.
In North America, the low supply in the market led to extremely high prices.
In Europe, a moderated market for overseas fruit was observed with high prices and low volumes.
In Asia, a limited supply from Peru and Argentina was concentrated in southern Chinese markets. Good activity was reported for limited arrivals.
In North America, the U.S. market was mainly supplied with local fruit, which on Sep. 15 recorded a 20% year-on-year rise in stock.
In Latin America, the Brazilian market was agile with attractive prices for local supply.
In Europe, sales continued to focus on Northern Hemisphere grapes. Brazilian grapes were observed in the market but many volumes were not sold due to high prices.
In Asia, the market was supplied by the U.S., with good activity and market agility reported in Shanghai and Guangzhou.
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