Harvest Trends week 45 -- 2010

November 15th, 2010

Harvest situation in the Southern Hemisphere, week 45 — 2010


Exports of Chilean cherries are up to only 100 metric tons in the three weeks before the 2010-11 season kicks off full steam. The harvest is concentrated in early varieties, which will have visual effects of the latest rains in the central region on Nov. 7 and 8. That meant a reduction of 3,000 MT of potential export for the 2010-11 season. Therefore, the estimated export this season will be 50,000 MT, 50% more than last season.

In Argentina, the harvest started this week with very limited volumes that were sent to the internal market because of the low quality of the early cherries. A bigger volume for foreign markets is expected in weeks 46 and 47.

Table grapes

The table grape harvest in Brazil is ending with the Crimson. As of now, the exports of Brazilian grapes adds up to around 43,000 MT, 18% more than last season.

South Africa entered last week as a new supplier in the Southern Hemisphere, adding to the season in Peru, which started in week 40. In any case, both suppliers are offering a limited supply.

In Chile, the latest rains will cause minor damage in the White seedless varieties, with means a drop in the estimate for Chilean grapes to 870,000 MT, 9% more than last season. This will put the volume on a level similar to the 2008-09 season.

Source: iQonsulting/www.freshfruitportal.com