Harvest Trends week 46 -- 2010

Harvest situation in the Southern Hemisphere, week 46


The harvest in Chile continues slowly and exports have remained at an average of 4,000 metric tons since the first week of November. They fell to about 3,000 MT during week 45, for a total of 43,000 MT for the season, 62% less than last season. The quality of the fruit has been good, although with a big concentration of medium and small sizes.

The harvest is 60% complete in areas that have experienced problems with lack of water for irrigation (Petorca, La Ligua and Cabildo), which accelerated the process, while in Quillota it’s around 45% done. The flower fall for next season in 2011 in the central zone is good, although later than a year ago. A recovery from this season’s low exports was forecast.


The stonefruit season in the Southern Hemisphere has just started with the first shipments from Chile, Argentina and South Africa. Although South Africa started its shipments in week 41, its volumes have been limited and mainly oriented to the British market.

Chile and Argentina started in week 45 with the first peaches in the United States and Latin America, respectively.

For all providers in the Southern Hemisphere, an increase in stonefruit exports is expected in the 2010-11 season, especially plums, whose supply could reach about 155,500 metric tons, 23% more than last season. This increase will be because of the rise expected in shipments from Chile and Argentina, and to a lesser extent, South Africa.

For peaches, the total volume will be 55,500 MT and for nectarines, 70,800 MT, which is an increase of 26% and 9%, respectively, compared with last season.

As of now, South Africa is the only provider that has started the harvest of all types of stonefruit, including plums, with its early Pioneer variety.

During this week, Chile’s apricot harvest began, and although there have been no major problems with quality, it is expected that packing output will be slightly lower because of the rain in week 44, which also would slightly affect plums.  Wind in Mendoza on the same date would affect the quality of early plums.

Photo: www.inta.gov.ar

Source: iQonsulting/www.freshfruitportal.com