Harvest Trends week 49 -- 2010

Harvest situation in the Southern Hemisphere, week 49


The cherry harvest in central Chile is in its peak this week, and it is expected that volumes will remain high during the next two weeks. The quality of the Bing variety is very good, although size is variable depending on the orchard. The majority of exporters are not packing sizes smaller than 1 inch. Exports from Chile total 10,200 metric tons, five times more than this time last year. The United States has been the main market, taking in 45% of shipments.

In Argentina, the cherry harvest is continuing normally, with fruit of good size and without weather problems. Mendoza could finish its harvest in week 50. Exports of Argentine cherries total around 500 MT up to week 48, much more than the volumes from last year, but similar to 2008. The main destination has been Brazil, with 30% of shipments.

Table grapes

The season in Chile continues to be delayed in the north, although the first boat has already left with about 200,000 cartons, which is a bigger volume than the first shipment last year. The areas in Region IV near La Serena will start the harvest next week.

In Argentina, the harvest in the San Juan region has developed normally. The Imperial variety has good size, and exports in December should be in containers, and the first boat is expected in January.

In South Africa, the harvest near the Orange River is concentrated on Sugraone and Flame. The Prime variety is finished there as it is in the Transvaal in the north.

In Peru, the harvest in Ica has been slower than expected and in general, Red Globe has a darker color.

Source: iQonsulting/www.freshfruitportal.com